Beginners Weekend Workshop - Botanic Illustration
Sat 22nd & Sun 23rd, from 10 am – 4 pm Tutor: Stefan Gevers
For those that can’t commit to weekly classes or live to far away this is an opportunity to get started with Botanic Illustration.
This intensive 2-day course is an introduction to botanic art via pencil and watercolour. Students will begin to develop skills in outline drawing, tonal work and rendering of surfaces, basic colour work and paint application.
The cost of the workshop includes drawing materials, paint, watercolour paper and brushes. Coffee and Tee is available but students will need to take their own lunches.
The workshops are held in the Art Studio, Yarraville Community Centre, Yarraville.
Cost: $215.00. Full Payment required 1 week prior to start of course.
Total Fee will be refunded if class has to be cancelled.